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Deb Penner
Nov 12, 20244 min read
What's New?
What's new? It's one of those questions everyone asks, but few truly answer (or truly desire to have answered). Honoring the presence of...
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Deb Penner
Sep 12, 202413 min read
Life, Interrupted
"Ma'am? Can you hear me? 9-1-1 is on the way. Are you injured? Can you hear me?" The world is off its axis. Or perhaps I am off of mine?...
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Deb Penner
Aug 8, 20247 min read
Last month I took the most bold and brave action of my life. Following the call of my soul and Divine guidance, I left a beautiful home...
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Deb Penner
May 29, 20246 min read
To All The Girls I've Loved Before
Ah, hindsight. That crystalline surface in which everything is so clearly reflected. But a mirror is just a piece of glass until the...
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Deb Penner
Apr 8, 20246 min read
Eenie, Meenie, Miney...Me
Life is full of choices. Some of them are of small consequence in the big picture. Decaf? Half-calf? Extra caff? Take the express lane,...
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Deb Penner
Mar 7, 20247 min read
Unfurl: to make or become spread out from a rolled or folded state, especially in order to become open to the wind. Unfurling is my word...
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Deb Penner
Feb 10, 20246 min read
Lane Departure Warning
Hi. My name is Deb, and I'm a recovering force-aholic. I don't say these words lightly, and they contain no mocking for those in twelve...
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Deb Penner
Jan 17, 20245 min read
Flavor of the Day
I am under construction. Parts of my life are undergoing heavy demolition, while other areas are receiving a facelift. New additions are...
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Deb Penner
Jan 2, 20243 min read
Dear Me, Love, Me
It is New Year's Eve, 2023. Massive changes are afoot in my world. I am walking at sunset with one of my dogs, and it occurs to me that...
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Deb Penner
Nov 27, 20236 min read
The journal prompt: write about something left unsaid. Something I left unsaid? Something? Just one thing? To choose something, a thing,...
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Deb Penner
Oct 7, 20235 min read
Event Horizon
I have one word to describe how late summer 2023 felt for me: weird. That was often my reply to the daily questions. How are you? Weird....
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Deb Penner
Aug 5, 20237 min read
Your Timeline is Irrelevant
The things you can learn from a virus. In late spring of 2021, months after I had COVID for the first time, I received Reiki and an...
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Deb Penner
Jul 10, 20238 min read
Again. And Again. And Once More.
I have surrendered more times than the most well-loved army of tiny plastic men in the hands of the most gregarious 6 year-old backyard...
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Deb Penner
May 19, 20236 min read
I'm sorry, I have a question. I'm sorry, I have something to say. I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I'm sorry I bumped into you. I'm...
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Deb Penner
May 7, 20235 min read
Mirror, Mirror
The human lens is inherently distorted. We are unable to see, to perceive, without filtering what is seen through a unique set of...
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Deb Penner
Apr 16, 20238 min read
Level Up
I don't know about you, but I catch myself thinking that a person's evolution (namely mine) should be linear. In this expected cycle,...
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Deb Penner
Mar 29, 20239 min read
It is said that what you are seeking is also seeking you. There are times when it finds you, even though you'd forgotten you were...
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Deb Penner
Mar 4, 20237 min read
(Don't) Avert Your Eyes
I was blessed to hear the most delightful story not long ago. A fellow fempreneur asked me to speak at an event she was hosting. She...
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Deb Penner
Feb 26, 20237 min read
Unloading Your $#!+
We've all got some. Many people call it baggage. My last therapist referred to it as "opportunities for growth," language I borrow when...
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Deb Penner
Feb 12, 20237 min read
Free Play
I have been screwing up. Royally. And I've been feeling it. Scared. Confused. Wrestling with doubt and lack. Spinning in circles, taking...
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